Demographica is a


We help large B2B companies grow their revenue in Africa by transforming how they engage and grow customers while enabling their marketing and sales teams.

Sasfin Case Study


We’d love to explore working with you so please enquire about appointing us as your B2B marketing agency, or work with us on a project-by-project basis.


Since 2006, we have been pioneering the use of Business Anthropology as the primary informant of the work that we create for you. This enables us to make creative work that connects with your customers on the deepest of human levels to achieve the most meaningful results.

Business Anthropology

What is it?

In today’s competitive business landscape, understanding the human elements that drive decision-making is crucial. This is where business anthropology comes into play. Business anthropology applies anthropological theory and methods to investigate organisations, marketing, consumer behaviour, and design. It delves into the human aspects of business decisions, emphasising emotional connections and cultural influences.

How does it work?

Business anthropology works by employing ethnographic research techniques, which involve in-depth, qualitative studies of people in their natural environments, to uncover deep insights into customer behaviour, employee dynamics, and market trends. It focuses on understanding the emotional and rational factors driving decisions within organisations and among consumers.

Who is it for?

Business anthropology is valuable for businesses engaged in sales, marketing, product development, and organisational strategy. It benefits companies seeking to understand their customers on a profound level, improve employee engagement, and enhance overall customer experience.

How Demographica can help you?

Demographica harnesses business anthropology to uncover rich insights across four key areas:

  • Audience Ethnography: An anthropological deep dive into your target audience to uncover key insights into who they are, what they do, think, and feel on a human level.
  • Product Ethnography: An anthropological approach to understanding user insights, including experiences, needs, and emotional relationships with specific products.
  • Employee Anthropology: Analyses your employees through an anthropological lens, providing insights into sales culture, team dynamics, and employee experience crucial for marketing your brand.
  • Customer Journey Ethnography: An ethnographically informed approach to understanding customer experience and expectations, mapping their journey to better serve their needs and expectations.

By applying ethnographic research methodologies, Demographica illuminates the emotional and cultural drivers behind consumer decisions and organisational dynamics, enabling businesses to build stronger connections and make informed strategic decisions.


Social Selling

Social Selling

What is it?

Social Selling involves leveraging social media platforms to find and engage with potential customers, building relationships through meaningful interactions.

How does it work?

It works by utilising social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to identify prospects, share valuable content, engage in conversations, and nurture relationships. Company execs and sales reps use these platforms to establish their personal brand and connect with decision-makers.

Who is it for?

This service is perfect for businesses that want to leverage the power of social media to reach and engage with their target audience in a more personal and direct manner.

What are the benefits?

  • Expanded reach and visibility
  • Stronger relationships with potential customers
  • Increased trust and credibility
  • Access to real-time market insights
  • Higher engagement and conversion rates

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will help you craft a social selling strategy that aligns with your brand and objectives. We will train your sales team on best practices, create compelling content, and provide the tools and analytics needed to effectively engage with prospects on social media. Our team will monitor and optimise your social selling efforts to ensure maximum impact.

SME Marketing

SME Marketing

What is it?

SME Marketing focuses on developing tailored marketing strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to help them grow and compete effectively in their industries.

How does it work?

It involves understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs, creating targeted campaigns, leveraging digital marketing tools, and offering hands-on support to execute and optimise these strategies.

Who is it for?

This service is designed for B2B marketers who would like to grow small to medium-sized businesses by offering their products to them and are looking to enhance their marketing efforts, build brand awareness, and drive growth.

What are the benefits?

  • Customised marketing strategies
  • Culturally relevant solutions
  • Enhanced brand visibility
  • Improved customer acquisition and retention
  • Measurable results and ROMI

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will assess your current SME marketing efforts and develop a customised strategy to effectively target SMEs. We will create and execute targeted campaigns, utilise digital marketing tools with a 360-degree marketing approach, and provide continuous support and optimisation to ensure your marketing efforts resonate with SMEs and drive growth. Our expertise will help you build strong relationships with SME customers and achieve sustainable success.

Sector Marketing

Sector Marketing

What is it?

Sector Marketing involves creating specialised marketing strategies tailored to specific industries or sectors to address their unique needs and challenges.

How does it work?

It works by conducting in-depth market research, identifying industry trends, and developing targeted campaigns that resonate with the specific audience within that sector. This approach ensures relevance and effectiveness in communication.

Who is it for?

This service is ideal for businesses that want to target niche markets or specific industries looking to tailor their marketing efforts to better connect with their audience.

What are the benefits?

  • Deep industry insights
  • More relevant and impactful marketing campaigns
  • Enhanced market positioning
  • Better customer engagement and loyalty
  • Higher conversion rates

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will leverage its industry expertise to develop a marketing strategy tailored to the sector that you’d like to target. We will conduct thorough market research, create targeted campaigns, and provide the tools and analytics needed to reach and engage your audience effectively. Our team will work closely with you to ensure your marketing efforts are aligned with industry trends and customer expectations.

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

What is it?

From a B2B marketer perspective, Sales Enablement is a strategic approach that equips your company’s sales team with the tools, content, and information needed to engage buyers effectively and efficiently, whilst enabling your sales team to tell better stories.

How does it work?

It works by providing your sales team with digital and physical resources to streamline the sales process. This includes creating buyer personas, delivering targeted content, and enabling them with effective marketing material to ensure they can meet the needs of potential clients.

Who is it for?

This service is ideal for marketers who are looking to improve their sales team’s performance, reduce the sales cycle, and increase conversion rates by adding significant B2B marketing value.

What are the benefits?

  • Enhanced sales productivity
  • Improved alignment between sales and marketing
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Better customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Data-driven insights for continuous improvement

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will work closely with your sales and marketing teams to understand your unique challenges and objectives. We will develop a tailored sales enablement strategy, provide comprehensive training and resources, and implement the necessary tools to ensure your sales team is empowered to succeed. Our ongoing support and analytics will help you continuously improve and adapt your approach.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

What is it?

Customer Experience (CX) refers to the overall perception customers have of their interactions with your brand across all touchpoints.

How does it work?

It works by mapping out the customer journey, identifying key touchpoints, and implementing strategies to enhance the experience at each stage. This results in improvements across brand experience whilst gathering feedback for continuous improvement.

Who is it for?

This service is for B2B businesses that want to deliver exceptional experiences to their customers, thereby increasing satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

What are the benefits?

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improved brand reputation
  • Increased customer retention and lifetime value
  • Differentiation from competitors
  • Higher customer engagement

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will analyse your current customer experience and identify areas for improvement. We will help you map out the customer journey, implement strategies to enhance each touchpoint and provide tools for gathering and analysing customer feedback. Our continuous support will ensure you can adapt and optimise your customer experience to meet evolving expectations.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

What is it?

Employee Experience (EX) focuses on the overall journey an employee has with your organisation, from recruitment through to exit, and aims to enhance their engagement and satisfaction.

How does it work?

It involves creating a positive work environment, offering professional development opportunities, recognising achievements, and fostering a culture of feedback and communication. This holistic approach ensures employees feel valued and motivated.

Who is it for?

This service is for businesses that recognise the importance of their workforce and want to attract, retain, and engage top talent.

What are the benefits?

  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention
  • Higher productivity and performance
  • Stronger company culture
  • Better recruitment outcomes
  • Enhanced customer experience through motivated staff

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will work with your HR and management teams to develop an employee experience strategy that aligns with your company culture and goals. We will help you create a positive work environment, implement recognition and development programmes, and establish effective communication channels. Our support will ensure your employees are engaged, motivated, and aligned with your organisational objectives.

Business Anthropology

Business Anthropology

What is it?

In today’s competitive business landscape, understanding the human elements that drive decision-making is crucial. This is where business anthropology comes into play. Business anthropology applies anthropological theory and methods to investigate organisations, marketing, consumer behaviour, and design. It delves into the human aspects of business decisions, emphasising emotional connections and cultural influences.

How does it work?

Business anthropology works by employing ethnographic research techniques, which involve in-depth, qualitative studies of people in their natural environments, to uncover deep insights into customer behaviour, employee dynamics, and market trends. It focuses on understanding the emotional and rational factors driving decisions within organisations and among consumers.

Who is it for?

Business anthropology is valuable for businesses engaged in sales, marketing, product development, and organisational strategy. It benefits companies seeking to understand their customers on a profound level, improve employee engagement, and enhance overall customer experience.

How Demographica can help you?

Demographica harnesses business anthropology to uncover rich insights across four key areas:

  • Audience Ethnography: An anthropological deep dive into your target audience to uncover key insights into who they are, what they do, think, and feel on a human level.
  • Product Ethnography: An anthropological approach to understanding user insights, including experiences, needs, and emotional relationships with specific products.
  • Employee Anthropology: Analyses your employees through an anthropological lens, providing insights into sales culture, team dynamics, and employee experience crucial for marketing your brand.
  • Customer Journey Ethnography: An ethnographically informed approach to understanding customer experience and expectations, mapping their journey to better serve their needs and expectations.

By applying ethnographic research methodologies, Demographica illuminates the emotional and cultural drivers behind consumer decisions and organisational dynamics, enabling businesses to build stronger connections and make informed strategic decisions.

Key Account Marketing

Key Account Marketing

What is it?

Key Account Marketing is a strategic approach focused on nurturing and growing relationships with your most important clients.

How does it work?

It works by dedicating specific resources to understand the needs and goals of key accounts, creating tailored marketing and communication plans, and providing personalised solutions that drive mutual growth and success.

Who is it for?

This service is ideal for businesses with many high-value clients who play a critical role in their revenue and growth strategy.

What are the benefits?

  • Stronger relationships with many key clients
  • Increased client retention and loyalty
  • Higher revenue from existing accounts
  • More opportunities for upselling and cross-selling
  • Customised solutions that meet client needs

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will work with you to identify your key accounts and develop personalised marketing strategies to nurture these relationships. We will create tailored content and communication plans, provide dedicated support, and use data-driven insights to continuously optimise your approach. Our goal is to help you build long-lasting, profitable relationships with many of your most important clients.

Public Sector Marketing

Public Sector Marketing

What is it?

Public Sector Marketing involves creating and implementing marketing strategies tailored to the unique needs and challenges of government and public sector organisations.

How does it work?

It works by understanding the regulatory environment, budget constraints, and stakeholder dynamics within the public sector, and crafting campaigns that effectively communicate value, build trust, and drive engagement.

Who is it for?

This service is designed for B2B businesses that are targeting government agencies, non-profits, and other public sector entities whilst enhancing their communication and outreach efforts.

What are the benefits?

  • Improved public engagement and communication
  • Enhanced trust and credibility
  • Effective use of limited budgets
  • Better stakeholder management
  • Increased awareness of public programmes and initiatives

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will work with your organisation to understand your unique challenges and objectives. We will develop a marketing strategy that adheres to regulatory requirements, maximises budget efficiency, and effectively engages your target audience. Our team will provide ongoing support and optimisation to ensure your campaigns are impactful and achieve your desired outcomes.

Account-Based Marketing

Account-Based Marketing

What is it?

Account-Based marketing (ABM) is a highly focused business strategy in which a marketing team treats an individual prospect or customer like its very own market.

How does it work?

It works by identifying high-value accounts, creating personalised marketing campaigns for each account, aligning sales and marketing efforts, and using data and insights to refine strategies and drive engagement with those accounts.

Who is it for?

This service is ideal for B2B businesses looking to focus their resources on a specific set of high-value clients to maximise ROI.

What are the benefits?

  • Personalised marketing approach
  • Higher engagement and conversion rates
  • Stronger alignment between sales and marketing
  • Improved customer relationships and loyalty
  • Enhanced ROI from marketing efforts

What Demographica does for you?

Demographica will help you identify high-value accounts and develop tailored marketing campaigns for each. We will align your sales and marketing efforts, create personalised content, and use data-driven insights to optimise your strategies. Our goal is to help you achieve higher engagement and conversion rates, maximising the return on your marketing investment.


Our Clients

Demographica Client - digicape
Demographica Client - Sasol
Demographica Client - Transunion
Demographica Client - Syspro
Demographica Client - onafriq
Demographica Client - Bossard
Demographica Client - Bidvest Bank
Demographica Client - Discovery
Demographica Client - Nedbank
Demographica Client - Pnet
Demographica Client - HID
Demographica Client - RMB
Demographica Client - South African Tourism
Demographica Client - FNB
Demographica Client - Engen

case studies

GROUP Companies


Demographica is a Johannesburg based marketing agency equipped with the relevant talent, experience, track record, resources and technologies to support
large B2B companies.